Media Features
Mail Boss has been in the Lime Light lately! Check out these newspapers and magazines that have good things to say about the Mail Boss. And if you see the MailBoss featured in your local newspaper, please let us know! We’re always on the look out for new media coverage!

Conquering Curb Appeal and Mail Theft Anxiety: Mail Boss Clinches Top Spots in Better Homes and Gardens’ 2024 List!
For the second year in a row, Better Homes and Gardens (BHG), the trendsetters of home and lifestyle, gave Mail Boss a resounding thumbs up, awarding two of our mailboxes top honors in their prestigious “16 Best Mailboxes of 2024” list.
We dug into the details to see how Mail Boss mailboxes impressed BHG and how our mailboxes can elevate your home’s curb appeal while giving you peace of mind.
Read MoreMail Boss Scores top ranks in Bob Villa’s “Best Locking Mailboxes 2024” for the Fourth year in a row!
Hello fellow lovers of Mail Boss! We have some fantastic news to share with you all. For four consecutive years, Mail Boss locking security mailboxes have been named the best mailboxes in the industry by the prestigious review team of Bob Vila!
Read MoreMajor USPS report indicates that 89% of all reported mail thefts happened within these 5 cities.
The Postal Inspection Service received 299,020 mail theft complaints, an increase of 161% compared to the same period the previous year. The majority of the FCD mail theft complaints included Washington, New York, Los Angeles, Huston & Chicago.
Read MoreKev’s Castle shows you how to install a Mail Boss Mailbox & post in concrete with this DIY instructional video:
We were thrilled to watch Kevin from Kev’s Castle, a YouTube channel that shows you how to do various DIY projects around your home, install our Mail Manager Street Safe mailbox and post in concrete. Kevin did a great job of demonstrating how easy and safe it is to install and use our mailbox, and we want to share his experience with you.
Read MoreMail Boss wins “MOST FESTIVE FLOAT” in Arlington’s Hometown Holidays Parade!
We had a Holly Jolly old fashioned good time at Arlington’s Hometown Holidays parade this weekend and even won a prize for “Most Festive Float”! It was so much fun meeting our neighbors and spreading the holiday cheer! Can’t wait to do it again next year!
Read MoreCity of Lake Forest Park joins SeaTac in publicly sponsored Mail Boss locking mailbox program
Back in 2018 SeaTac Washington city council member Peter Kwon launched a City-Wide Mail Boss Program, this program has been so successful and well received that neighboring cities have started to take notice! As of this month the city of Lake Forest Park, Washington will be launching their own Mail Boss Locking Security Mailbox program!
Read MoreThis Old House: “Best Mailboxes (2023 Review)” Mail Boss Mail Manager wins HIGEST SCORE 9.6 / 10
In their article The 5 Best Mailboxes (2023 Review) the This Old House Reviews Team chose the Mail Boss Mail Manager for their HIGHEST score of 9.6 out of a possible 10 as the most customizable mailbox of 2023.
Read MoreMail Boss = 3/5 of Homesthetics “5 Best Locking Mailboxes of 2023”
Homesthetics contributor ANTON GIUROIU selected Mail Boss brand Locking Security Mail boxes as 3 out of their 5 selections for Best locking mailboxes of 2023 in their article “5 Best Locking Mailboxes of 2023: Secure Your Mail!” Check out excerpts from the article:
Read MoreWOAH! Is that a Mail Boss Locking Security Mailbox that the LEGENDARY Kevin Bacon is using in the new Hyundai Youtube ad!?!?
We’re pretty honored & impressed to be only 1 degree of Kevin Bacon away…but, heads up… Out going mail goes in the mail clip…NOT in the locked incoming mail bin!
Read MoreBetter Homes & Gardens: “Mail Boss Mail Manager mailbox scores high on looks and functionality.” +Best Mailbox Overall +Best Lockable Mailbox
Elevate your home’s style, and ensure the safe delivery of your letters and packages, with the Mail Boss Mail Manager mailbox that scores high on looks and functionality.
Read MoreKDVR Fox 31 Denver chooses Mail Manager as their EXPERT approved curbside Mail Box!
In her article “Already thinking about your spring lawn and garden projects? Be prepared with these items” Jennifer Manfrin BestReviews Staff for KDVR Fox 31 Denver spoke to home improvement and DIY expert Beth Allen who had this to say about lawn and garden projects you can start now!
“Spring isn’t here yet, but it’s just around the corner. Do the long, dreary days of winter make you eager to get outdoors and work in your yard? While it’s still too early to start tackling some tasks, now is the perfect time to plan and accomplish various lawn and garden projects. After a long winter, there are many outdoor jobs to accomplish to get your lawn and garden ready for spring and beyond. Allen recommends a few special projects that you can begin now to add aesthetic appeal and enjoyment to your outdoor living space, like replacing your mailbox.
Assess any issues with the one you currently own when deciding if it’s time for a new one. “A lot of people lack curb appeal when it comes to their mailbox and it’s the first thing people see when they pull up and park,” DIY expert Beth Allen said.
HGTV Chooses Mail Manager Street safe as their pick for Best Security Mailbox!
HGTV. Yes, THAT HGTV, everyone’s favorite go to channel for all things home improvement, selected the Mail Manager Street Safe Latitude as their pick for best security mailbox in their article 10 Top-Rated Mailboxes for Security and Style. Sure, they may have written the article on April 1st, but neither of us are fool’n around about the level of security, style and convenience we packed into our newest addition to our locking security mailbox line-up. Check out this excerpt from their article or read the whole thing on their website, and be sure to pick up one of our award winning locking mailboxes today!
Read MoreNew years means NEW mailboxes and BIGGER IS BETTER.
Tik Tok user @ouroldhouse was getting complaints from his mail carrier Andy about the size and condition of his rusted out old mail box, so he made him a special care package and replaced it with one of our Package Master locking security mailboxes! We wish them all a Happy NEW YEAR, and a safe & secure mail experience for many years to come.
Read MoreYoutuber “BooyaJoe!” devised an innovative DIY mailbox installation.
Youtuber BooyaJoe!’s neighborhood was experiencing a rash of mail theft, and although he had a non-conventional mailbox post, he came up with an innovative solution to mount his new locking security mailbox. Check it out:
Read MoreMail Manager; 2021’s “Best locking mailbox” -Best Tools Brand
We’re pretty proud of the level of construction and quality that we put into our secure mailboxes, but it’s always a compliment whenever we’re recognised as someone’s choice for “Best Locking Mailbox 2021” Thank you Best Tools Brand for your thorough reviews of our Mail Manager, Mail boss, and Olympus drop box! Check out the highlights and excerpts from Isabella Rosse’s review below; or shop now:
Read MoreCountry Living Magazine – “BEST LOCKING MAILBOX: Mail Boss Mail Manager “
The endorsements just keep rolling in! In the July-August issue of Country Living Magazine two Mail Boss Locking Security Mailboxes were featured in their list of “The Best Mailboxes to Upgrade Your Front Yard” ; The Mail Boss Mail manager, and the Mail Manager Wood Grain! Check out their full article or just enjoy the excerpts !
Read MoreBob Vila picks Mail Boss Mailboxes as: “The Best Locking Mailboxes for Secure Deliveries”
Mail Boss locking security mailboxes receive top scores from America’s most trusted and overall favorite handyman. recently published their list of the best locking mailboxes on the market today, and unsurprisingly Mail Boss has made the top of the list yet again, but you don’t have to take our word for it.
Mail Boss is at the 2019 National Hardware Show – See You There!!!
Mail Boss will be at the 2019 National Hardware Show in sunny Las Vegas May 7-9th at the Las Vegas Convention Center and we’d love to see you there! Booth # 3841 Come and see our amazing Locking Security Mailboxes and…
Read MoreCity of SeaTac Implements City-Wide Mail Boss Program
SeaTac city council member Peter Kwon, a long time Mail Boss advocate and “Mail box crusader,” is getting a lot of attention for implementing a city wide program to help replace resident’s mailboxes with Mail Boss Locking Security Mailboxes. …
Read MoreOut with the old, up with the new!
We love seeing how our customers style our Mail Boss products! Here is our recent favorite and first customer image we received this year! Shawn shared this great photo of his Mail Manager mailbox with us on Facebook. We are always…
Read MoreNew Mailbox Accessory! Hasp Lock
Hasp Lock We’ve gotten quite a few requests from people wanting to switch out our 12-disc wafer locks for a simple turn handle knob for securing their mailboxes. Well, we listened to your feedback and we’re happy to announce that…
Read MoreLike Us on Facebook!
Like this post? This post likes you. If you like this post liking you post then be like this post and like this post! Follow and like us on Facebook! If you already have one of our mailboxes, write us…
Read MoreHoliday Mail Theft Prevention
With the big Holiday season around the corner, mail thieves are going to be pulling more stunts and attempting to steal mail and packages from you and your neighbors! This recent news segment from KOB4 featuring a neighborhood in Albuquerque, NM…
Read MoreVeteran’s Day Sale // 2017
In honor of Veterans Day many popular restaurants out there are offering Veterans Day Free Meals! Here is the article from The Balance! We can’t offer you a free meal since it’s not our forte but to express our…
Read MoreMail Boss Mentioned in Home Improvement Podcast
Here at Mail Boss we are very happy and honored to have been mentioned by Jacy Elsesser in one of his recent podcast about mailboxes! “Top rated mailboxes and for home centers, Mail Boss. Also top rated locking security mailboxes”.…
Read MoreNorthStar Nerd: Mail Boss “Low Tech Security with High Tech Effect”
Many thanks to NorthStar Nerd, who included an insightful review of the Mail Boss, related to low tech security and locking mailboxes. He points out that while many people are concerned about “high tech security” they often overlook “low tech…
Read MoreRedmond Reporter features Mail Boss by Epoch Design
It was a pleasant surprise when Redmond Reporter‘s very own Samantha Pak reached out to us to do an expose on the Mail Boss and how it helps protect consumers against mail and identity theft. Below is the features story, which…
Read MoreHome Improvement Executive: Innovations in Mailboxes
Last week, we showed you the ad we prepared for Home Improvement Executive Magazine. This week, Home Improvement Executive Volume 24, No. 4 was released, featuring a special report on Innovations in Mailboxes. Prior to the June 27 publication, Editor…
Read MoreB2B Print Advertising: “Everybody’s doing it.”
Epoch Design was asked to be featured in the June 26 issue of Home Improvement Executive, with a special report on Innovations in Mailboxes. The catch, of course, was that we would also need to advertise ($$$). Generally, we do…
Read MoreSan Francisco ❤s Mail Boss
The Mail Boss security mailbox is all the rave in the media, from coast to coast. The San Francisco Chronicle editors have featured our very own mailboxes in an article called “Mail Boss delivers identity-theft protection.” “Though the homeowner can…
Read MoreMail Boss Featured in Locksmith Ledger
Our very own Mail Boss locking security mailbox was recently featured in Locksmith Leger magazine. Here’s what they have to say: From “Meet the Mail Boss” (November 2010): Market these secure mailboxes to customers concerned about identity fraud resulting from…
Read MoreMail Boss on Home Talk USA
Listen in to Home Talk USA this Saturday to hear Mail Boss Marketing Manager Jenny DeRaspe-Bolles chatting live on the radio with “Cajun Contractor” Michael King. Jenny plans to cover the development of the Mail Boss brand, product features, and…
Read MoreMail Boss Wins Innovation in Locking Mailboxes Award
Home Improvement Executive awards Epoch Design 1st place for “Innovation in Locking Mailboxes” with new Mail Manager Each year, Home Improvement Executive recognizes leaders in the home improvement industry for innovations in their respective categories. In 2012, Epoch Design, manufacturer…
Read MoreMail Boss Mailboxes on Money Pit this December
Do you watch Money Pit? It’s a nationally syndicated home repair and home improvement program hosted by Tom Kraeutler. This December, Money Pit will be featuring our very own Mail Boss mailboxes! And, you can find our Mail Boss in…
Read MoreB2B Ad: Your Key to Profits is in the Mail
Epoch Design was asked to be featured in the January 2013 issue of Home Improvement Executive, with a special report on Innovations in Mailboxes. The catch, of course, was that we would also need to advertise ($$$). Generally, we do not…
Read MoreVIDEO: Mail Boss on Welcome Home TV!
Mail Boss was a very popular gift idea this past holiday season. In this Welcome Home TV segment, Mail Boss is featured as the go-to solution for mail-identity theft prevention: Welcome Home TV, created by Executive Producer Bill Rogers, features…
Read MoreMoney Pit says “Mail Boss Locking Mailbox Protect Against Identity Theft”
We’ve been bragging about Mail Boss being featured on Money Pit. Well, after reviewing our locking mailboxes, here is what executive producers had to say about Mail Boss on their blog: Mail Boss Locking Mailbox Protects Against Identity Theft Mail…
Read MoreMail Boss Locking Mailboxes Featured on Money Pit
Mail Boss is now live on Money Pit! Here’s a behind-the-scenes shot of Tom Kraeutler with an assortment of Mail Boss locking mailboxes, presented as a solution to prevent holiday mail thefts and identity theft. Here is a shot of…
Read MoreMail Boss in Holiday Gift Guide: What to Buy Men
Kayla at I Heart Giveaways included the Mail Boss in her Holiday Gift Guide: What to Buy Men. She writes: No matter their gender, anyone who regularly gets mail could use a safe mail box. For one, you help the…
Read MoreBlogger Review and Giveaway: Mail Manager
Blogger Ruby at Life of a Mad Typer writes a lot of product reviews and as such she receives all sorts of parcels and packages in the mail. When her packages started going missing, she realized she needed a secure…
Read MoreHome Improvement Executive Category Report on Mailboxes
A few days ago, we showed you the ad we prepared for Home Improvement Executive Magazine. Well, it was published in Home Improvement Executive Volume 22 No. 11, and displayed adjacent to a special Category Report on Mailboxes. Prior to the January 21…
Read MoreVIDEO: Mail Boss on Money Pit!
In case you missed it, here’s the Money Pit segment on Mail Boss locking mailboxes: Money Pit, hosted by home improvement expert Tom Kraeutler, features innovative solutions for the home. In the Mail Boss segment, Tom showcases the Mail Boss…
Read MorePopular Mechanics Reviews MailBoss
PM Editors Call Mail Boss a Postal Fortress, Hail it “Postbox Maximus”
On November 1, 2007, the editors at Popular Mechanics featured our very own curbside MailBoss locking mailbox in their “Wish List” section. After reviewing the USPS approved Mail Boss security mailbox, they hailed it “Postbox Maximus”, a nickname we happen to agree with. Check out this phenomenal media coverage!
Read MoreMail Boss on KOMO 4
When one North Seattle man was fed up with having his mail stolen, he organized a group of neighbors and orchestrated a bulk purchase of the Mail Manager locking security mailbox. Joel Moreno, KOMO News 4 reporter, caught wind of…
Read MoreHaller Lake Community Mail Manager Order
Steve Warren of the Haller Lake neighborhood in Seattle was tired of having his mail stolen from his locking mailbox, so he purchased a Mail Manager high-security mailbox from Epoch Design. Pleased with the quality of his mailbox, Warren posted…
Read MoreWelcome Home Interview at NHS 2014
This May, Epoch Design attended the National Hardware Show in Las Vegas, showcasing the innovative Mail Boss locking security mailbox line. In attendance was Epoch Design President and Mail Boss inventor, David Bolles, who spoke with Bill Rogers of Welcome…
Read MoreSneak Peek: Welcome Home TV Interview at NHS
At National Hardware Show in Vegas this year, we had the opportunity to meet with Bill Rogers of Welcome Home TV, and share some of the features of Mail Boss that make our locking mailboxes the best choice in mail-identity…
Read MoreMail Boss in Holiday Gift Guide: What to Buy Women
As we shared earlier this month, Mail Boss was featured in a Holiday Gift Guide on What to Buy Men. Turns out, Mail Boss makes a pretty neat gift for women too, at least according to Kayla over at I…
Read MoreNew York Times Calls Oasis “Secure”
On Sunday, the New York Times ran a feature story on Architectural Mailboxes and specifically, the Oasis® Locking Mailboxes. It praised the company for innovation in providing a solution to a growing problem, and highlighted their locking mailboxes as a…
Read MoreMail Boss Radio Ads on KTTH, JACK and KMPS
What do you think of our new Mail Boss radio commercials? We have embarked on a three month radio advertising campaign in Washington state on 770 AM KTTH, 96.5 FM JACK and 94.1 FM KMPS . We are striving to generate consumer…
Read MoreMail Boss “On the House”
The Carey Brothers rave about the Mail Boss locking mailbox on air While I was at the National Hardware Show in Las Vegas last month, I had the opportunity to be interviewed on the air by James and Morris Carey…
Read MoreMail Security in Multi Unit Housing
[Originally featured in Condo Management magazine] Condominiums and multi-unit housing are often at greater security risk than single-family homes, in part because criminals prey on these facilities, and in part because residents must rely on their boards or managers to…
Read MoreSammamish Review Features Mail Boss in “Mailbox: Version 2.0”
Original article published in Sammamish Review on 4-16-08, written by J.B. Wogan
David Bolles was tired of having his mail stolen. After falling victim to several instances of mail theft, he decided it was time to upgrade his mailbox two years ago. “That’s kind of what compelled me to take a look at this seriously,” said Bolles, who lives with his wife Monica and son Gabriel on East Lake Sammamish Place. So he visited local hardware stores and investigated various locking mailbox options.
“There was one product that looked like it was okay,” said Bolles, who expressed disappointment about how easily one could pry open locking mailboxes with a rudimentary screwdriver. “I thought, I’m not seeing what I like. Maybe I ought to make one.”
Read MoreMail Boss in Best Life Magazine
“Fraud Alert: Guard your mail, telephone, and computer to help prevent identity theft” Identity theft can happen to anyone, but there are certain steps one can take to decrease the likelihood of becoming a victim. Jay Foley, an activist who…
Read MoreMail Boss on Uncrate
No. 1 Buyers Guide for Men recommends Mail Boss Uncrate, a web magazine for guys who love stuff, featured the Mail Boss locking security mailbox in August 2008. To quote from their article: We’ve been testing one for the last…
Read MoreMiami Digs the Mail Boss
MailBoss Security Mailbox Featured in The Miami Herald The Mail Boss security mailbox is all the rave in the media, from coast to coast. Editors at the The Miami Herald recently featured our very own MailBoss in an article called…
Read MoreMail Boss in Condo Management Magazine
Feature story: “Mail Security in Multi-Unit Housing” Mail Boss marketing manager Jenny DeRaspe-Bolles recently contributed in Condo Management magazine. The article focuses on mail security in multi-unit housing and was published in the July/August issue. The piece emphasizes that in considering residents’ security…
Read MoreMail Boss Wins 2009 Golden Hammer
Epoch Design to be recognized at National Hardware Show 2nd year running Exciting news here! Mail Boss has just won the 2009 Golden Hammer Communications Award in the category of Point-of-Purchase SIGNAGE for outstanding Point-of-Purchase signage in the retail environment.…
Read MoreMail Boss Security Mailbox in Hardware Retailing
Editors rave “Mail Boss is virtually impenetrable” Hardware Retailing, a trade magazine for hardware and home center retailers selling do-it-yourself products, recently featured our very own Mail Boss locking security mailbox in their October 2007 publication. We’re proud to report that the…
Read MoreMail Boss Hailed “T-Rex of Mail Boxes”
“Money Saving Tech Tips & Philosophic Musings” blog praises MailBoss locking mailbox As I was reviewing inbound links to the site a few days ago, I found a really cool post in the blogosphere that I would like to…
Read MoreSeattle Digs the Mail Boss
Seattle Times calls MailBoss “virtually inpenetrable” Mail and identity theft has been increasing at an epidemic rate nationwide, and the Seattle area is no exception. A King County Prosecuting Attorney Policy Paper reads, “[…] during a time when the overall…
Read MoreArkansas Democrat Gazette Features MailBoss
The word on the street is Mail Boss prevents mail theft A recent article in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette showcased the Mail Boss locking security mailbox as a solution in mail identity theft prevention.
Read More