Father/daughter duo are delivering Mail Boss curb appeal to Orange county California

If you’re in the Orange County area check out their website: Arenas Curb Appeal or e-mail them at: [email protected]

We’re absolutely blown away by the incredible creativity and beautiful custom Mail Boss installations that Jose and Roxy Arenas of Arenas curb appeal have been bringing to the neighborhoods of Orange county. We were lucky enough to be tuned into their photos and videos when they tagged us in one of their instagram posts, and with over 21,000 followers on their Tiktok channel you can tell their social media game is strong! Thanks for choosing Mail Boss Mail Manager Locking Security Mailboxes as your mailbox of choice! We couldn’t be more proud to be affiliated with all that you’ve done and can’t wait to see how much more you’re going to accomplish! From one family buisness to another; CONGRATULATIONS and keep up the good work!


  1. Constance Benefield on March 1, 2023 at 3:18 pm

    I am so impressed at the fact there’s a girl-dad business. I am so thankful.

    Now do you come to LA and help us try to improve as well. I understand OC pride but I live in LA. I need help. Please let me know.

    Interest: Curb Address and Mailbox

    • Gabriel w/ MailBoss on March 2, 2023 at 12:29 pm

      Hi Constance – thanks for your comment! We are a family-owned business and are proud to serve our customers with excellent quality locking mailboxes at a great value. We’re not sure if Arenas Curb Appeal will perform local install for you in LA, but you can send them an email at: [email protected]
      If not, you should be able to find someone able to perform local install for you! Give us a call if you have any questions: 800-589-7990

  2. June Walsh on October 28, 2023 at 11:22 am

    Oh my gosh, it took me 3 weeks to get in contact with Arenas Curb Appeal, tried leaving a voice message, tgeir mailbox was full, tried email, tried Instagram to get an estimate. Finally, I was able to talk to Roxy, she apologized profusely, they have been so busy, I told her that it was their fault because they do such good work. Just wanted to let you know not to give up, the installation was done yesterday and it was so worth the wait. Both Jose and Roxy said they are working to get the calls returned sooner. Again, totally worth the wait…..Love the Mailboss mailbox too!

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