New Product: Reflective Mailbox Vinyl
Mailboxes across the United States are struck by vehicles every, single day. Mailboxes often have to be located at a curbside location to provide convenient access for busy mail carriers. The result is that mailboxes are too often mangled by intoxicated motorists, well-meaning delivery drivers that accidentally back up into them or destroyed by teenagers that are still learning to pay attention to the road.
As a society, we make sure to mark road edges with reflective paint, so it ONLY makes sense to mark any nearby roadside hazards with high-vis reflective vinyl. At night, it is hard enough to see the road. This is why homeowners will often mark their driveways with lights or reflectors to prevent visitors from backing up into their fence or greenery. While MailBoss mailboxes and posts are so well-constructed that they usually stand up well to collisions, I think we can all agree that it is better to avoid that hassle and danger all together.

Introducing, our new line of Reflective Mailbox Stickers. These high-quality reflective safety indicators are perfectly sized for our mailbox or post, and come in three different colors: safety red, iridescent white and safety yellow! They include a high-quality outdoor adhesive backing and are, of course, waterproof and designed for outdoor use.

Additionally, our Mailbox Reflective Post Stickers are perfectly suited for use on our post, and will fit many other brands of supports and posts that you may have. They also work well mounted sideways on any of our curbside boxes. They are dual color, safety red and iridescent white, on the same vinyl backing and will certainly stand out at night to any oncoming drivers.