Oasis Jr Mailboxes Pried Open in Sammamish

According to this report from KOMO, residents in Sammamish have been victimized by a rash of mail thefts, and thieves are targeting locking mailboxes.

Sammamish Mailbox Theftsimage source.

The report states:

“The community of Sammamish has become a target for thieves who are using a simple tool to plunder locked metal mailboxes that are supposed to be more secure.”

The Sammamish Review reported dozens of incidents of mailboxes being pried open as well.

Sammamish resident Don Gerend points out one such mailbox – an Oasis Jr – and says, “You can see they clearly used to a screwdriver to just pry them open.”

Oasis Jr Pried Open Sammamishimage source.

You can also see that it’s not an isolated incident.

Sammamish Mail Thefts_OasisScrewdriver2image source.

In fact, over three dozen locking mailboxes have been pried open in recent weeks.

If you look carefully, you will see that the burglarized mailboxes shown in the news story were all either cluster-boxes (frequently targeted by thieves because they house everyone’s mail and typically have low quality locking systems) or Oasis Jr mailboxes by Architectural Mailboxes. The Oasis Jr can be easily pried open with a screwdriver, as we’ve shown here.

Oasis Jr Mailboxes Pried Openimage source.

You may also notice that other residents in Sammamish have another kind of mailbox – the Mail Boss Curbside in white shown here:

White MailBoss Mailboxesimage source.

The Mail Boss mailboxes, unlike the others, have no signs of forced entry.

Still, authorities say having a locking mailbox is better than having an unlocked mailboxes. We disagree.

Why? Having a low-quality locking mailbox gives you a false sense of security (until, of course, it gets pried open) and so unsuspecting residents may leave their mail longer than they would otherwise in an unlocked mailbox.

The best defense is a secure locking mailbox like the Mail Boss that can’t be easily pried open by would-be identity thieves.

For victims of mailbox burglary, we recommend checking out our #BetterByBoss offer.


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