Out with the old, up with the new!



We love seeing how our customers style our Mail Boss products! Here is our recent favorite and first customer image we received this year! Shawn shared this great photo of his Mail Manager mailbox with us on Facebook. We are always looking for more creative ways to decorate our mailboxes. So, if you have a decorated mailbox or know an awesome neighbor that spiced up their Mail Boss or made a custom post/column structure make sure to email us at [email protected], share with us on Facebook or tag us on Instagram: Mail_Boss.


We look forward to seeing many more ways on how to style your Mail Boss.

Thank you again, Shawn for taking the time to share your awesome work with us!



  1. chris Sylvester on April 3, 2022 at 12:04 pm

    Are stickers allowed on your mailbox for identification purposes when living in a communuty ?

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