Pair of Package Masters take a knocking and keep on locking!
We love getting survival stories from our customers, here’s another tale of two mailboxes sent to our inbox:

” Hi, I am just writing to tell you that you make one fine product. I had two of your Package Master mailboxes on an in ground post utilizing a 3 box spreader. A few days ago a drunk driver plowed into my mailboxes in a full size pickup at 40 MPH, and continued on for several hundred feet. Outside of bending the post and sending my mailboxes about 40 to 50 feet down the sidewalk the damage was extremely minimal to the actual mailbox body. Besides one bent corner and a few chips in the bronze powder on the other corners there wasn’t a single dent in either mailbox body and they still open just fine! I was thoroughly impressed that 7 out of the 8 securing bolts actually snapped before anything else. I am hoping that insurance covers it so I can afford to replace them with your product again.
Thanks for being a great Washington based company,”
Selah, WA
With a little bit of elbow grease I’m sure he could bend those puppies back into service, but as a thank you for his kind letter, we helped replace his fast track mounting plates, and gave him some tips on how to touch up the paint and get those bad boys back in business.
Have a similar story about your Mail Boss surviving unbelievable odds? We’d love to hear it! Send us your reviews and comments and we may end up featuring your story on our blog as well! Thanks again Matt!
Product on salePackage Master® (Scratch/Dent)Starting at $139.99
Package Master®Starting at $279.99