Photo: Mail Manager in Greenlake
Here’s a photo of the Mail Manager mailbox outside a home in the Greenlake neighborhood of Seattle.
In this area, the postal carrier actually delivers mail on foot, so most homes have Wall Mount Mailboxes or slots in the door. However, the Mail Manager allows for receipt of small packages and mail bundles, and stores many days of mail, so it works better at this home.
This installation looks to be a bit short for USPS regulations of curbside delivery. However, on walk up routes, because the mail carrier delivers to wall mounts and slots, they are less strict about the mailbox conforming to the stipulated 41-45″ from the “road surface” to the incoming mail slot or bin.
Just as a general FYI, if you have curbside mail delivery you are allowed to use any USPS approved locking mailbox at your home without specific permission, so long as it is installed within the USPS specifications. For installations that do not conform to those standards, you should always contact your local postmaster for approval.