Customer Testimonials

Has your mailbox survived a brutal attack of hooligans with baseball bats or a nasty run-in with a snowplow?

Did you have a particularly pleasant experience with our customer service team? Is your Mail Boss just ridiculously good looking and you want to share a picture? Please let us know and we’ll include your stories, comments, and installation photos here.


Another Mail Boss Mailbox Survives Collision with Car

Mail Boss Mailbox – 1; Nissan Xterra – 0

Must See Video: MailBoss Testimonial

MailBoss in San Diego: Before and After

“Senior Citizen” says Mail Boss easy to install

Mail Boss Multi-Box Steel Plank Installation

Pumpkin no match for Mail Boss, says Ken in NJ

Testimonial from Rob in Winhall, VT

Jim Says Mail Boss an “Excellent Product!”

Mail Boss Withstands Prying Attempts

The Ultimate Bat-Buster Mailbox

Mail Boss Mailbox Brick Column Installation

NorthStar Nerd: Mail Boss “Low Tech Security with High Tech Effect”

Photo: Bronze Package Master in Brick Column

Photo: Mail Boss Package Installation

Happy Mail Boss Customer and Dealer