Customer Testimonials

Has your mailbox survived a brutal attack of hooligans with baseball bats or a nasty run-in with a snowplow?

Did you have a particularly pleasant experience with our customer service team? Is your Mail Boss just ridiculously good looking and you want to share a picture? Please let us know and we’ll include your stories, comments, and installation photos here.


Photo: Mail Manager 2-Box Package in Bronze

Mail Boss Testimonial from SRPOA HOA

PHOTO: Mixed Mail Boss Mailbox Installation

Competitors’ Mailboxes Pried Open, Not Mail Boss

PHOTO: Beautiful Brick Column Mail Boss Installation

PHOTO: Granite Package Master Installation

PHOTO: Above-Ground Bronze Mail Boss Mailbox Installation

Mail Manager Keeps Mail Thieves Out

Custom Bronze Mail Boss Package Master Installation

Testimonial: Mail Boss vs. Tree

New flag | So much better!

Package Master vs. Hay Bailer


Mail Boss Recommended Touch-Up Paints:

Testimonial: Mail Boss saves other mailboxes!

Testimonial from Jean in Everett, WA

Mail Boss Package Master Testimonial from Seguin, Texas