Testimonial: Mail Boss saves other mailboxes!

Check out this photo story Tim shared with us on Facebook! When a drunk driver plowed through his neighborhood’s mailbox stand, all of the mailboxes *until* the Mail Boss were destroyed. The Mail Boss took the brunt of the impact, effectively protecting the rest of the neighbor’s mailboxes from the hit. Only the Mail Boss flag was damaged!


Tim wrote:

When a car plowed through our mailboxes, EVERY mailbox was torn up and ripped off the tree until it got to our Mailboss! Once the vehicle reached our Mailboss, every mailbox behind it survived! And the only thing “marred” on our Mailboss is the flag got a small crack in it! haha Love it!


For his troubles, we’ve sent him a replacement curbside mailbox flag.

Do you have a tale of mailbox survival? Please share it with us: Email [email protected].

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