A True Life #BetterByBoss Success!

Neighbors replace burglarized mailboxes with Mail Boss, thieves return!


Well here’s something that just doesn’t happen every day…

A group of neighbors in Santa Rosa reached out to us back in April after their Oasis Jr mailboxes were burglarized. Below is one of the photos of the bank of mailboxes after the burglary.

4503 previously

The neighbors all took advantage of the #BetterByBoss promotion and purchased Mail Boss curbside mailboxes at 50% off.

Well, wouldn’t you know it but the thieves came back!

This time, Steve and his neighbors were happy to report that their mailboxes were NOT defeated!

The Mail Boss Curbside locking mailboxes were bent but not broken, and the mail within remained secure!


Now, we call that BETTER BY BOSS!

Just a reminder, we do not guarantee our mailboxes are theft proof, but we do claim that they offer greater resistance to prying… and the proof is in the proverbial pudding!

The patented anti-pry latch locking system means thieves have to work harder to get into the mailbox, and the idea is that most of the time, they will move on to an easier target (like our competition)!

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